Tag archives for race war - Page 10
50 Years of Johnson’s Great Society, and What Has the Black Community Got to Show for it?
Pastor Manning tells it like it is. "The more you give them, the worse they…
Crisis Actors Agitating for the Government Against the People
Crisis actors revealed at Oregon standoff. Wake up, America. The Rothschilds are…
Posse Comitatus
Oregon residents need to invoke Posse Comitatus and arrest the FBI agent who murdered Lavoy…
FLASH: Oregon Standoff Becomes Deadly
Bundy family claims LaVoy Finicum was murdered by the FBI REMEMBER LEXINGTON AND…
Jewish Genocide of the White Race Orchestrated as a “Refugee Crisis”
German journalist exposes those who are making money off of the "refugee crisis": …
Patriot Nurse Tells It Like It is
The American Gun Owner knows that we are fighting against communism. Praise Yahweh and…
American Artists For Freedom
The Second Amendment is the only reason America still exists. The jooz, commies and…