Tag archives for race - Page 5
Absolute Failure of Democratic Party Policies
Why are cities that have Democratic leadership always in a perpetual state of decline?…
The Cain Illuminati Serpent Seed
Zen Garcia explains Gen. 4:1, that Cain's father was not Adam. The Cain-Satanic…
The Two Seedlines of Genesis 3:15 and 4:1 Explained
Zen Garcia explains, with the aid of the Targums, which are Aramaic commentaries by the…
Liberal Hypocrisy About Race
Craig Bodecker reveals the twisted thinking of liberals on the subject of Race. This video…
Bertrand Comparet on the Adamic Race
The True History of the Adamic Race, by Bertrand Comparet (All of the races…
Proof of the Shemitic Origin of the Indo-Aryans
Folks, if it weren't for jooish lies, we wouldn't know anything at all. The…
Jesus Was a Blond-Haired, Blue-Eyed Aryan
The myth that the Jews are the Israelites of the Bible is being exploded here…