Tag archives for propaganda - Page 7
The Masonic Paris Attacks and Global Martial Law
(Simon Elliot, Jewish leader of ISIS.) The Jew Media is using all of these staged…
Racist Blood, Part 1
The medical establishment has been lying to you about "we all bleed red blood." Well,…
Murder By Consent
Jewish Harlotwood uses shiksas to entice our race into ritual race-mixing and sexual perversion;…
Israeli TV Mocks Yahshua as a Monkey
Christian, you need to know that the Jews were never Israelites, Jesus was never…
America: The Latest Victim of Jewish Parasitism
From the website: Above Top Secret America, The Latest Victim of The Jewish Parasite…
Black Mob Attacks Whites – Joo Media Silent
911 calls regarding recent attacks by Blacks against Whites. "Youthful mischief gone awry." …
Gog and Magog, the Jews of London and Magna Carta
Ladies and Gentlemen: the following slide show will explain some all-important history about Jewish moneylending,…