Tag archives for propaganda - Page 5
Professional Liars
The JOOZNOOZ is destroying your brain. WAKE UP!
Fake News! Fake nooz! Fake jooz! Fake Jews!
The problem is that the progressives are just as FAKE!!! You will never trust the…
Noahide Laws, Jews Brag: “God Created the Goyim to Serve the Jews.”
Christians beware! You should know who your slavemasters are. Run, don't walk, away from the…
Bureau of Legal Machinations Deliberately Sets Fires to Destroy Ranchers
Your tax dollars at work. BLM destroys property and cattle, endangering human lives, while…
FLASH: Eyewitness testimony: the feds shot at the patriots with 120 bullets
THE SECOND AMERICAN REVOLUTION HAS BEGUN inform the feds and banksters have to…
Jewish Genocide of the White Race Orchestrated as a “Refugee Crisis”
German journalist exposes those who are making money off of the "refugee crisis": …
Oregon Standoff Heats Up as Feds Caught Impersonating Militia
How can you trust a government that impersonates patriots in order to make them…