Tag archives for propaganda - Page 3
Mainstream Media Ignores Black Terrorism in North Carolina
Keith Lamont Scott on the left, Officer Brentley Vinson on the right. Here is…
Elizabeth Dilling Exposes the Jews Behind Communism
First, a related audio by Revilo P. Oliver, exposing the saboteurs in America: the Jewish…
DNA Studies Prove that Caucasians Were the First Americans
European Clovis Culture is the oldest in North America With all due respect to "Native…
The Bogeyman of Terrorism: The Pretext for the Jew World Order
Global Terrorism Orchestrated by Joo Banksters and Super-Rich Magnates is being used as the…
Gerald LK Smith on the Global Jewish Conspiracy
Gerald , Smith, friend of Henry Ford, lays out the evidence against the Jooz…
The Secret Relationship Between Jews and Muslims, Part 1
Throughout the history of Islamic Jihad against the West, the Jews have always been there…
People Are Waking Up to the Kenite (Descendants of Cain) Origin of the Jewish People
Jim How appears to have figured it out on his own!!! Jim teaches…