Tag archives for Judaism - Page 17
Jewish Racism Rules the Media
Jeff Rense Interviews CJ Bjerkness (Jeff Rense is wrong that the Jewish religion is not…
Banksters Cause ALL Wars
You have been told that the primary cause of war is "nationalism." That is just…
IsraHELL Discriminates Against Blacks: Riots Ensue
WAKE UP, WHITE MAN! The Israeli State is a racist state. The Jews are supremacists;…
The Baltimore Riots Were Staged
Evidence that the Freddy Gray riots were deliberately provoked by the gubmint, otherwise known as…
The Noahide Laws: How the Jooz Plan to Execute Believers in Christ
Judaism manipulates Congress to be the fulfillment of the Jooish Protocols. The Jews have been…
National Guard Trains to Fight Patriots
EFR is here to tell you what the Jew World Order has in store for…
Black Man Tells It Like It Is About Black Rioting
We have been telling you that the joo-controlled media is using blacks to destroy White…