Tag archives for Jews - Page 40
Angela Merkel’s Pro-Islam Policy Supports Islamic Terrorism
Angela Merkel is a Zionist shill, doing the will of the anti-christ. Listen and…
The Israeli Mossad Behind 9/11 Demolitions
Gelatin: Israeli "art students" who rigged the demolition charges at the New York Trade Center.…
The Science Behind the 9/11 Demolitions
The science behind the so-called "collapse" of the three hi-rises proves that it was a…
Hijra: Silent Genocide Against Eurofolk
Ann Corcoran explains that the United Nations Organization (Rothschilds) and various Islamic, "Christian"…
Benjamin Freedman on the Balfour Declaration: Jewish Treachery, Par Excellence!
The Balfour Declaration was the secret agreement between global Zionism and the British Empire…
Jim Traficant, RIP
Barak Obama, whore for AIPAC and ZOG Jim Traficant died mysteriously earlier this year.…
America: The Latest Victim of Jewish Parasitism
From the website: Above Top Secret America, The Latest Victim of The Jewish Parasite…