Tag archives for Jews - Page 29
Jewish Genocide of the White Race Revisited
This is a very important subject, as the White Race has been the primary victim…
The Historical and Secret Relationship Between Jews and Muslims
Andrew and I explain the historical fact that Jews and Muslims have historically conspired and…
Europe Is Waking Up
Kalergi, the Rothschild agent who started multiculturalism in Europe English Youth Rise Against the Parasites…
This Is My White Song
Goyim Goddess: This is my White Song And the house of Jacob shall…
The Bogeyman of Terrorism: The Pretext for the Jew World Order
Global Terrorism Orchestrated by Joo Banksters and Super-Rich Magnates is being used as the…
Congressman Bill Dannemeyer on the Talmudic Noahide Laws
Know your enemy! The Hellish Noahide Laws of the Jews Bill Dannemeyer's…
Gerald LK Smith on the Global Jewish Conspiracy
Gerald , Smith, friend of Henry Ford, lays out the evidence against the Jooz…