Tag archives for Jews - Page 22
Rich Jews, The Frankfurt School and Systemic Decadence
The Frankfurt School: Jews Against Western Civilization Now you know who your real enemy…
Get your “Hate Laws” Off My Freedom of Speech
Libtardism (Jewish communism in its current manifestation) militates against freedom of speech. When…
Civil War Is Here
The global Civil War against the White Race is being orchestrated by the Jews. …
In Memorium: Pastor Alan Campbell
Pastor Alan Campbell We have been informed from sources in Ireland that Pastor Alan…
Poland is Finally Waking Up Against EU Forced Islamification!!!
Poland is Christian, NOT MUSLIM! Praise Yahweh and PASS THE AMMUNITION! Wake up,…
What the Jews Did to Germany
The Jews Holocausted Germany - Twice A Rabbi Agrees Wake Up, White…
Jewish Grandma Says, “Jews Are Crooks.”
The Jews know they are crooks. You should know it too. If you…