Tag archives for Israeli - Page 3
Jewish Terrorism Exposed
Can Jews be terrorists? Of course, they invented terrorism! "International community" does nothing to…
Rothschild, King of the Jews: Private Bankers and War-Mongers Since 1815
The Rothschilds control the world through usury. You will not get this information from the…
IsraHELL Discriminates Against Blacks: Riots Ensue
WAKE UP, WHITE MAN! The Israeli State is a racist state. The Jews are supremacists;…
The Jade Helm Symbol of Sabotage
The Dutch clog in the Jade Helm symbol represents Jewish domination of society. Time to…
The Jewish Takeover of the BBC
As covered by Pastor Eli James (HERE and HERE) David Duke misunderstands who the Israelites…
USS Liberty Attack – New Evidence
USS Liberty: Cover Up USS LIBERTY Cover-Up by James Bamford Mr. Bamford, a former investigative…