Tag archives for israel - Page 4
Tracing the Israelites from Assyria to Europe
Sheldon Emry and E. Raymond Capt explain how Caucasian Israel migrated from Palestine through…
E Raymond Capt Explains Caucasian Israel
E Raymond Capt, Christian Identity archeologist, explains how the Israelites became known as Cimmerians…
Absolute Proof That the Bible is Archeologically Accurate
Captured Israelites depicted on the Behistun Rock. Those who say that the Bible is historically…
Bertrand Comparet on the Adamic Race
The True History of the Adamic Race, by Bertrand Comparet (All of the races…
The Ten Lost Tribes Versus the Assyrians
"In Isaac (Saxons) Shall Thy Seed Be Called." - Gen. 21:12. The Israelites were Caucasians.…
The Israelite Origin of the Caucasian People Confirmed by Archeology
This video provides us with a visit to the migration routes taken by the Israelites…
Christian Identity and Mystery Babylon Explained
Once you have become aware of the Identity perspective of the Bible, the scales will…