Tag archives for Hollywood
Commiefornia Partnering with Red China to Brainwash Americans
In spite of failing to profit from deliberately anti-White and anti-Christian productions, Hollyweird is doubling…
Hollywood Leftists Are Stone Cold Communists and Zionists
Hollywood and the CCP The Jews Who Control CA's water
Harvey Weinstein, Mossad Agent
Harvey Weinstein, Jewish predator The life of Harvey Weinstein is symptomatic of the Jewish mafia,…
Hollywood Eats Poop
We always knew that Hollywood is a satanic empire run by Jews. We always…
Payola and the Jewish Music Mafia
Alan Freed Payola Scandal Alan Freed, the New York Jew who promoted black music…
Seduction by Electronic Media
Is it real or is it fake? The antichrist joo is creating a virtual reality…
Illuminati Symbolism in “Back to the Future”
Ramping up the CERN/Jade Helm Entrainment? The staging of the "Back to the Future"…