Tag archives for communists
American Mass Media Totally Ignoring Trudeau Scandal in Canada
Justin Trudeau, radical liberal, is just another corrupt leftist. If you have been following EFR…
The Bundys Versus George Soros, Judeo-Communism and Freemasonry
Corrupt, dictatorial government hires "contract cowboys" to attack the Bundys. Proof that…
Commie Scum Attack Peaceful Protestors
Footage of Peaceful Protestors being attacked commie scum. We have been predicting this…
Hitler’s Peace Negotiations with the Poles Continually Rebuffed by the Warmongers
Censored History The Truth about the Danzig Corridor, when the German minority was being ethnically…
Jewstream Media Praises Violent Blacks and Criticizes Whites for Defending Themselves
White genocide is the real agenda of the international joo. Incredibly biased coverage blaming whites…
Barack Obama and George Soros Behind Black on White Terrorism
Professor Noel Ignatiev, Zionist Jew!!! Wake up, Whitey. They are killing you!! Wake up…
Jewish Bolshevik Rape
Joos are rapacious animals, who rape and destroy without mercy. Here is the testimony of…