Tag archives for Communism
Commiefornia Partnering with Red China to Brainwash Americans
In spite of failing to profit from deliberately anti-White and anti-Christian productions, Hollyweird is doubling…
Hollywood Leftists Are Stone Cold Communists and Zionists
Hollywood and the CCP The Jews Who Control CA's water
YCP – Joe McCarthy Was Right About the Jew Communists
Betrayal at Bethesda - LewRockwell The Vindication of Joseph McCarthy - The Objective Standard
Uncle Joe Stalin – er, Biden – Declares War on America
Creepy red lighting for creepy Joe! Gaslighting patriotic Americans!! Hail to the (fake)…
YCP – The WCC and NCC Have Always Been Communist Fronts
Relevant articles World Council of Churches: The KGB Connection - Juicy Ecumenism