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BL: Historicity of Rome and Judea
Given the fact that both the Judahites and Edomites of Judea had tremendous interrelationships with…
RH: Beast With a Hand, by Jason Blaha
A two-seedline classic, by Jason Blaha.
Faith Versus Faithfulness
An analysis of the Greek word PISTIS as to whether it can ever mean "mere…
Oklahoma City Bombing Cover-up Exposed, with Pat Shannan
Exposing the Zoggite media and government lies about the Oklahoma City staged attack on the…
VOCI: The Fallacy of “Spiritual Israel”, Part 1
Pastors Martens and James analyze the fallacious doctrine called "Spiritual Israel."
From the Hasmoneans to the Herodians, Part 2
Reading from a Jewish website about the transition from the pure-blooded Judahite Hasmoneans to the…
The Posterity/Sovereign Citizen Movement in America
Interview with Ed Fyfe of the Posterity Movement, which claims that the White Posterity of…