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BL – Ruth Was an Israelite, Not a Moabitess
David and Eli read from Bertrand Comparet's article on the subject of Ruth's Israelite genealogy…
YCP – The Dresden Holocaust: NEVER AGAIN!!!!
A report about the 1945 St. Valentines's day massacre of up to 700,000 civilians in…
Nameless War, Part 4
Pastor Eli James concludes the series on the Nameless War. This last installment concerns how…
The Nameless War, Part 3
Pastor Eli reads the third part of this series, regarding the Zionist conspiracy to stage…
The Nameless War, Part 2
Pastor Eli James continues his reading of the book, The Nameless War, by Archibald Ramsay. …
The Nameless War, by Archibald Ramsay, Part 1
The Nameless War in four parts, as read by Pastor Eli James
VOCI – Hoskins Report on Mystery Babylon
Pastors Martens and James explain how the merchants of Babylon rule the world through control…