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Hoax of the Twentieth Century, Part 1A
Pastor James reads the first half of chapter one of Mr. Butz's book.
Hoax of the Twentieth Century, Introduction
Pastor Eli James reads from the book, "The Hoax of the Twentieth Century," by Arthur…
VOCI – The Anti-White Culture of South Africa has Come to America
A warning to Whites all over the globe.
BL – The Jews and COVID-19
Eli discusses the fact that COVID-19 is a globalist Jewish hoax and how awareness of…
RH – Resistance to COVID-19 Tyranny
Tony from Chicago and Darrell from Missouri discuss how COVID-19 is in fact a tyrannical…
VOCI – COVID-19 in South Africa
Pastors James and martens discuss how the COVID-19 fakedemic is being conducted in South Afrfica
YCP – Genesis 3:15 All Over Again
The nephilim want to change or destroy our DNA. Related posts: Amazing Polly: Bill Gates…