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BL – Israelite Origin of the Scandinavians, Part 2
Eli and Mikael do a geological/archeological/historical survey of Scandinavia regarding the migration patterns and trade…
RH – Directed Energy Weapons and the West Coast Fires
Eli does a detailed analysis of DEW weapons as they have been employed in California…
YCP – The Jews Pulled Off 9/11 and COVID-19
Pastor James summarizes the known Jews who pulled off 9/11/2001 and discusses the fact at…
Hoax, Chapter 6
Pastor Eli James reads Chapter 6, "Et Cetera", from Hoax of the Twentieth Century, By…
YCP- Christ Come Back and Save Us, Part 2
Part 2 of Lasha Darkmoon's heartfelt plea for White people to rediscover true Christianity.
VOCI – Enmity Between Jacob and Esau Down to the Present
Pastors James and Martens discus the origin of the enmity between Jacob and Esau and…
BL – Israelite Origin of the Scandinavians, Part 1
Mikael and Eli begin a series on the common Israelite origin of the various Scandinavian…