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BL – Early Church Fathers on Creationism
Did the early church fathers believe in 24-hr creation days or did they believe in…
BL – Controversy of Zion, Part 1
From Douglas Reed's book, The Controversy of Zion, Pastor James discusses Douglas Reed's misunderstanding of…
BL – Historicity of Paul’s Ministry
Documentation of Paul's movements throughout the Greco-Roman world and his preaching to both Houses in…
BL – Tracing the Bloodlines of the Enmity, Pt6
Pastor Eli James traces the two bloodlines of Gen. 3:15 from Gen. 5 down to…
BL – Roman Catholic Replacement Theology
Pastor Eli James explains how Roman Catholicism has attempted to replace True Israel for the…
BL – Enmity, Part 5
Explaining the difference between the creation of species in Genesis 1 versus the formation of…
Bloodlines: Genesis 4:1 Thoroughly Analyzed
Pastor Eli explains how the Rabbis of Judaism doctored Gen., 4:1 to avoid the two-seedline…