Archives for YAHWEH’S COVENANT PEOPLE - Page 29
YCP – Australian Bushfires Caused by Globalism, not Global Warming
Pastor Eli discusses the fact that the Kosher press is deliberately blaming the recent fires…
YCP – Adamic Origin of the Greeks and Romans
Pastor Eli reads from a secular account of the origins of the Greeks and Romans…
YCP – Willie Martin on the Validity of John 3:16
Pastor Eli discusses the context of John 3:16 from an article by Willie Martin.
YCP – Letters from Prisoners in the Gulags
Pastor James reads letters from White prisoners concerning their frustrations with prison life and allegiance…
YCP – Romans 13, Part 4
Pastor James concludes this series on the false modernist view that Paul adjures Christians to…
YCP – Romans 13, Part 3
Continuation of our series a Romans 13, challenging the modernist view that Paul is teaching…
YCP – Cornwallis Prophecy to Washington at Yorktown, Plus Washington’s Vision at Valley Forge
When Cornwallis surrendered to Washington at Yorktown, he issued the most astounding prophecy, which has…