Archives for RADIO SHOWS - Page 328
VOCI- From Redemption to Restoration
Pastors James and Martens discuss the work of Howard B. Rand, From Redemption to Restoration,…
BL- Fourteenth Amendment, the Illegal Attempt to Disenfranchise the White Race
Pastor James explains ow the current attempt to overthrow the Second Amendment is related to…
RH – The Jews Attack the First and Second Amendments
Pastor James and Darrell from Missouri discuss Trump's betrayal of the First and Second Amendments…
YCP – Letters from Prisoners in the Gulags
Pastor James reads letters from White prisoners concerning their frustrations with prison life and allegiance…
VOCI – Ecumenism, Part 3
Final episode of our discussion of how the ecumenical movement has always been financed and…
RH – Roger Sayles Explains How the 14th Amendment Re-instituted Feudalism in America
Pastor James and Roger Sayles discuss the 14th Amendment and the devious practices of usurpers…
YCP – Romans 13, Part 4
Pastor James concludes this series on the false modernist view that Paul adjures Christians to…