Archives for Tech - Page 18
5G Street Lights Are Stealth Weaponry
As we have been revealing, 5G is a very dangerous weapons system. By activating…
CO2 Is Good. Climate Change Hysteria Is Bad.
Climate scientist throws CO2 hysteria under the bus. CO2 is absolutely necessary for the…
Big Pharma Mafia: Toxic Sludge in the Atmosphere
The chemical apocalypse is part of the global depopulation program of Agenda 21 Dr.…
Genesis 1 and the Impossibility of Positive Mutations: Intelligent Design Versus Evolutionism
Pastor Eli explains why Genesis 1:11 is Yahweh's instructions for the invariable reproduction of…
Evolutionism Versus Intelligent Design
Astronomer Fred Hoyle debunks Darwinism Dr. Stephen Meyer explains why evolutionism is unscientific. The…
Are You A Dissenter ?
If you are not yet a dissenter then you may soon want to become one…
5G Death Ray Is Coming to a Neighborhood Near You!
Is 5G good for you? Forget about global cooling, 5G is a MUCH BIGGER threat…