Archives for Social Engineering - Page 9
The Babylonian Whore: Fractional Reserve Banking
Fritjof and Eli on a very important subject of prophetic fulfillment. PASTOR JAMES/Fritjof Persson:…
All Soldiers and Civilians Are Expendable
Dirty tricks are Jewish tricks. Operation Northwoods: Sacrificing American soldiers and civilians in order…
The Israeli State Is Jewish Terrorism
The true (non-jooish) history of the Jewish/Palestinian conflict. …
Fakitude in IsraHell (the Abomination of Desolation)
Then: the Stab in the Back and the Nakba And now: False Flag…
Health Update: Cholesterol Hoax
You know which group of Kenites thinks of us as cattle!! The cholesterol hoax…
The God of Science is Just Another Fraud
Scienitism is the irrational belief that science can solve all problems. Even if it…
Liberal Fakitude
fake compassion and fake outrage From fake compassion to fake hate crimes, liberalism…