Archives for Social Engineering - Page 51
Mainstream Media Faked
Just recently, a top German Journalist and Editor, Dr. Udo Ulfkatte, went public and talked…
Frankfurt School : The ‘Kinderladen’ Movement
The following article by Benjamin Garland, recently published on Daily Stormer HERE, provides a detailed…
Typical Example of Leftist Bias on BBC
_Discussion of immigration by V1683 Leftist Bias on BBC - (Bolshevik Brainwashing Comintern) Here is…
Walter Veith On Luciferian Worshipers
Walter Veith provides an excellent presentation on the role of the Jesuits in support of…
White Independent Nation
The following article is to be found on the WIN-WHITE website under the title Neo-Tribalism.…
The Jewish Takeover of the BBC
As covered by Pastor Eli James (HERE and HERE) David Duke misunderstands who the Israelites…
UK Government’s War On White English People
This article may well be nigh on 7 years old, but the points it raises…