Archives for Social Engineering - Page 45
Ursula Haverbeck The Hooton Plan And The Migrant Crisis
In German with English subtitles by DIDI 18. Ursula Haverbeck, the courageous octogenarian previously imprisoned…
Ladies and gentlemen, I'd like to share my artwork with all of you. I just…
A Manchurian Candidate?
By SAVANT The more I see of Merkel's behaviour the more I'm convinced that she's…
Mr. Soros Does His Bit
By SAVANT As Rouen in France celebrates diversity by way of the murder of a…
London Elects Muslim Mayor Sadiq Khan
Published on 7 May 2016 Stefan Molyneux comments on the news that London has…
Communism By The Back Door
Communism By The Back Door is the current ongoing series created by Dennis Wise, the…
Living – For Now – Testaments to the New Woman
By SAVANT Fascinating to watch 'em crash and burn, victims of their own design. Madonna…