Archives for Social Engineering - Page 3
Proof of Weatherwars
FEMA Controlled And Run By Jooz - LOOK 10-7-24 This might explain the…
Lithium and 15-Minute Cities
Hurricanes and lithium with cricket burgers and feudal cities. Pastor Eli's Take on…
Slavery Or Destruction
The many faces of Edom. If the Neo-Kahns don't destroy us, AI…
Hurricane Helene Damage and Government Non-Response
Our Jew-controlled gubmint is anti-White, anti-Christian and anti-human The Zionist Controlled Gubmint has…
Total Chaos Caused by the Edomites in the Middle East
This video with John Mearshimer is by far the best analysis of Netanyahu's…
WEF, Banksters and Cashless Society
The Joo globalists tried to pull this off in 2020 with the jabocracy. Stores in…
Youtube Finally Permitting Anti-Zionist Content
A line from the Star-Spangled Banner Jootube must be hurting for hits, because it…