Archives for Social Engineering - Page 25
GoFundMe Steals Money from the Canadian Truckers
Millennial Millie expose' on GoFundMe and the int3ernational bankers: GoFundMe Steals Money Raised…
Build Back Better = Back to the Stone Age of Slavery
Klaus Schwab, a Rothschild, is behind the "Build Back Better" form o slavery that is…
Showdown at the Border
The Canadian Trucker Convoy turning into a demand to oust Justin Trudeau …
Truckers Strike in Canada
Demanding an end to mandatory vaccines FREEDOM CONVOY CANADA "Trudeau in hiding!" | Irnieracing News…
David Gahary Survives the Covid Protocol, Plus Pastor Eli’s Covid Parody Song
Dave Gahary tells about his brush with death on a ventilator ACH (1692) Dave Gahary…
More Deaths from Shots than Covid.
Stew Peters interview with Corrinne starts at 30 min. Truckers Track Trudeau, Alabama's Auschwitz,…
Manipulating Your DNA for Fun, Profit and Dictatorship
Manipulating your DNA with Graphene Oxide: Extremely dangerous DIY test kits in…