Archives for Social Engineering
Big Pharma + Big Banks + Big Corporations = Global Governance
The Nanotoxxine has the gas and oil industry very worried The Controlling Big…
Big Gubmint and Corporate “Farming”
High Cost of Eggs in America South Africa: Farms confiscated from White farmers and given…
AI Bots Proclaim Their Love for Humanitoids
The Secret plan behind AI dreknology Pastor Eli explains what's really going on. {Cut and…
Commiefornia Partnering with Red China to Brainwash Americans
In spite of failing to profit from deliberately anti-White and anti-Christian productions, Hollyweird is doubling…
Hollywood Leftists Are Stone Cold Communists and Zionists
Hollywood and the CCP The Jews Who Control CA's water
Commiefornia Burns Itself Down
Communists are so arrogant and stupid that don't even realize when they are destroying themselves…
Deceit, Elitism and Ineptitude Are the True Cause of the CA Fires
Double-talk from Dems Fox news report. You may have to cut and paste. Please share.
LA Fires and Globalism
Who do you think owns Elon Musk? George Bush on the Jew World Order, to…