Archives for Race & Culture - Page 78
Dostoevsky and Strategies of Subversion
Mark Hackard is an independent foreign policy analyst. He earned a BA in Russian Language…
The People Must Awaken if They Wish to Survive
Morgan Rote From Daily Stormer December 6, 2014 Day by day, and week by week,…
Steve Sailer Interviewed by Craig Bodeker
Steve Sailer of VDARE and The American Conservative talks with Craig Bodeker about how the…
A Child Speaks From The Grave
From Irish Savant Friday 28 November 2014 I see that Oscar-nominated film makers Amy Berg…
The Day Is Ours
The Day Is Ours originally posted by cambriawillnotyield Blessed be the Lord my strength, which…
Euro Pharoahs
Half of European Men Share King Tut's DNA Comyns Beaumont wrote that the great…
How Jews Maintain Power
How Jews maintain power 16/10/2014 Posted on October 16, 2014 by Nordic Anti Semite The Nordic…