Archives for Race & Culture - Page 77
Tribute To The Late Great Activist And Commentator Anthony Lawson – R.I.P.
A Tribute to the Late Great Activist and Commentator Anthony Lawson – Posted on 02/02/2015…
Communism Through The Back Door Parts 4-5
You can view "Communism Through The Back Door" Parts 1, 2 and 3 HERE Dennis…
White Genocide
;v=JruMgHUy3qQ&x-yt-cl=84838260&feature=player_detailpage White suicide or white genocide? White genocide, because we haven't been able to vote…
The Great Impersonation Episode 1
;v=H5XWZA_hFHI The Great Impersonation Episode 1 or . . . How the jewish people have…
Race is a Social Construct? Nope!
Those who want to blend away all distinct peoples, and especially White people, often say…
National Revolution – Turn on, Tune in, Take Over!
;v=zimFdbGo2uc National Revolution - Turn on, Tune in, Take Over! And here's why . .…
The Worm Turns
By SAVANT The town of Kalispell is capital of Flathead County Montana, a county that…