Archives for Race & Culture - Page 63
The Race Of Adam
The Race Of Adam Ladies and Gentlemen, As the bible is actually the book of…
Bertrand Comparet on the Adamic Race
The True History of the Adamic Race, by Bertrand Comparet (All of the races…
The Beast as Saint: The Canonization of a Black Communist
Martin Luther King was a communist and a rapist. The Jews have sainted him…
The Rape of Germany, Courtesy of Global Jewry
Angela Merkel, Zionist/communist operative, Mother Terroresa. America, this is your future if you don't begin…
The Great Replacement, Sponsored by Jewry
Excellent music video about the Jew-sponsored genocide of the White Race. From the Great…
Feminists For Rape, Murder and Destruction of Christianity
Stupid Lesbian "Christian" Minister Turns Her Church into a Mosque. Feminism is a Jewish…
The Rape of European Women by the Welfare State Enablers
America's Second Amendment is gaining popularity among White women in Europe: You know that…