Archives for Race & Culture - Page 62
Fake News! Fake nooz! Fake jooz! Fake Jews!
The problem is that the progressives are just as FAKE!!! You will never trust the…
To Hate Where We Should Hate
The blood of man should never be shed but to redeem the blood of man.…
The Two Seedlines of Genesis 3:15 and 4:1 Explained
Zen Garcia explains, with the aid of the Targums, which are Aramaic commentaries by the…
50 Years of Johnson’s Great Society, and What Has the Black Community Got to Show for it?
Pastor Manning tells it like it is. "The more you give them, the worse they…
Liberal Hypocrisy About Race
Craig Bodecker reveals the twisted thinking of liberals on the subject of Race. This video…
Israelites Found in Egypt
Israelites Found in Egypt Four-Room House Identified in Medinet Habu By Manfred Bietak Sidebar: The…
Jewish Genocide of the White Race Orchestrated as a “Refugee Crisis”
German journalist exposes those who are making money off of the "refugee crisis": …