Archives for Race & Culture - Page 61
Jewish DNA: The “Cohanim Gene” is just another Jewish Hoax
Listen to this Jewish Geneticist use words like "we believe," "we think", "it is probably…
Art in the Third Reich
Art in the Third Reich Ladies and Gentlemen, this is very important to see. Check…
Media Silence After Beast Of The Field Strikes.
Media Silence Ater Beast Of The Field Strikes. Ladies and Gentlemen, this is absolutely disgusting.…
Muhammad Was White LOL
Tim Brown February 17, 2016 Islam’s Muhammad: The White 'Prophet' with Black Slaves Hi Folks,…
Egypt White Proof, Black Spoof
Egypt White Proof, Black Spoof Bust of Queen Nefertiti, 1370–1330 BC, wife of Pharaoh Akhenaten.…
The Greasy Pole Versus the Glass Ceiling: Feminism in the Looking Glass
Feminism is a jooish construct. Sexism is a feminist myth. "Beware the leaven of the…
Professional Liars
The JOOZNOOZ is destroying your brain. WAKE UP!