Archives for Race & Culture - Page 57
The Secret Relationship Between Jews and Muslims, Part 1
Throughout the history of Islamic Jihad against the West, the Jews have always been there…
The International Conspiracy to Impose Sharia Law on Whites
Wake up, White woman! Time to rethink the fable that all cultures are equal.…
Jewslamic Supremacism Is Coming to a Neighborhood Near You
You think Islam is a religion of peace? Wake Up, Adamite. You…
Soul Refreshment
The paintings of Norwegian artist Hans Dahl accompanied by the music of Edward Grieg. So…
Islamic Supremacism, Courtesy of the House of Rothschild
Islamic Supremacism is taking over London, thanks to the Jews who invited them in.…
Muhammad Ali was a RACIST — & That’s A-OK
Published on 5 June 2016 RIP Great one You were one of a kind and…
Payola and the Jewish Music Mafia
Alan Freed Payola Scandal Alan Freed, the New York Jew who promoted black music…