Archives for Race & Culture - Page 44
Christ on the Mount of Olives
This masterpiece by Ludwig van Beethoven is rarely performed, as even the classical repertoire…
The Globalist Strategy to Eliminate the Alt Right
By Karl Radl - In last few days, we have seen right-wing sites that do…
Proof That Leftists Do Not Believe in Freedom of Speech
Jason Kessler speaks before the Charlottesville City Council announcing Aug. 12 rally. Antifa refuses…
Commie Scum Attack Peaceful Protestors
Footage of Peaceful Protestors being attacked commie scum. We have been predicting this…
Drugs and Rapes in Occupy/Antifa/BLM Camps
The Left is absolutely full of bovine but, liars, fools, rapists, communists, and joo-lackeys.…
Jewstream Media Coverage of Charlottesville Condemned
commie thug hurling newspaper box at patriots The Zionist-controlled mass media is blaming The Right…
Police Confirm Charlottesville Was an Inside Job by Leftists and Globalists
The communists are coming. Get ready for the American Revolution, Part 2. As we have…