Archives for Race & Culture - Page 35
Republican Liberty Versus Socialist Slavery
Paul Harvey on how empires self-destruct: The Decline of the Roman Empire due…
White Flight Is Caused by Black Hate
Larry Elder tells it like it is: Mass media fails to report that Antifa…
Judeo-Liberal Forced Equality Is a Disaster for Education
Blacks refuse to live by the white man' s rules. But the Judeo-Liberal Delusion of…
The Futility of Educating Blacks
Trying to educate blacks is an absolute waste of time. They do not have the…
Evidence of Pre-Historic High Civilizations Can No Longer Be Ignored
Adam's Calendar in Southern Africa, which predates known history by thousands of years. Evidence…
Fake News and Big Pharma: How the Jews Created the Controlled Press and Evil Pharmakeia
The Jewish controlled East India Company morphed into the various intelligence agencies we have…
Jewish Lightning Again! Government Manchy in El Paso.
Manchies (Manchurian Candidates) galore!!! Don't let them take our guns away! ;v=QpFBs05I_SM The…