Archives for Race & Culture - Page 23
SP – Edomite Jews Versus the House of Judah, Part 1
Part 1 of a multi-part series, read from Antiquities of Judah, by Josephus the Judahite,…
The Jews Behind Loxism
The jooz behind all anti-White activity in this world. Anne Heche murdered…
How the Jews Insinuated Themselves Into the Bible
Christians Were Tricked by the Scofield Bible To Believe Jews Are Gods Chosen People…
Prophetic Signs, Tsunami Prediction, the Georgia Guidestones, and the House of Rothschild
The Georgia Guidestones and their connection to the House of Rothschild: (NOTE: Rosette Delacroix…
Who Is Israel? Part 2, Plus the Origin of the Letter J
JB Wells interviews Pastor Eli James. We discussed the question: Are the Jews Shemites?…
Pastor Eli James on Caravan to Midnight, July 14, 2022, Plus Bonus Video
Esau: red and hairy "Who Is Israel?" Part 1 Sorry about the echo,…