Archives for PolyTicks - Page 5
The Goyim Know
The Goyim are waking up! Lucas Gage on the Jews Myron Fagan on…
Truth and Lies About the Covid Jab
Nurse reveals media and corporate lies from the hospital she worked in. (cut…
Modern Insider Trading Fully Exposed
MUST SEE: Industry Insider Spills the joo beans. How the banksters corrupt every government agency…
All Soldiers and Civilians Are Expendable
Dirty tricks are Jewish tricks. Operation Northwoods: Sacrificing American soldiers and civilians in order…
Hamas Is the Scapegoat; Jewry Is the Terrorist
The Ben-Gurion Canal as global Jewish strategy Israel Destroys Gaza to Control World’s Most…
The Monster Jew Exposed
Epic rants with profanity against the judeo-satanists. Lucas Gage goes on an EPIC RANT about…