Archives for PolyTicks - Page 33
Jimmy Saville and the British Child Pedophile Ring
Folks, this story must not be allowed to die. Please share, because your child may…
Pizzagate and Vigilante Journalism
Since mainstream Kosher journalism will not cover this story, WE WILL! The fakers have already…
Barak Obama: Liar, Fraud, Terrorist
Had enough of Obama yet? Hillary…
Liberal Hypocrisy and Stupidity Exposed
Excellent video demonstrating the hypocrisy and stupidity of liberals with college degrees. Universities,…
Ding-Dong! The Witch Is Dead
Once there was a wicked witch In the lovely land of USA And a wickeder,…
George Soros, Billionaire Communist Jew, Says He Is a “God”
The blood of the fallen angels runs in the veins of Jews like Soros and…
Julian Assange Talks To John Pilger
Published on 5 Nov 2016 Whistleblower Julian Assange has given one of his most incendiary…