Archives for PolyTicks - Page 30
Uraniumgate, Clinton Foundation Hit List Exposed
Ammon Bundy targeted for assassination by the BLM. The Clintons and their Judeo-communist sponsors want…
Podesta’s Occult Numerology Explained in Great Detail
John Podesta, Occult Globalist Criminal Podesta's palm symbolism explained as occult, satanically significant. More…
The Smoking Gun: Mass Media (Kosher Press) Cover-Up of Shooters on Anti-Depressants
Big Pharma: the biggest killer outside of warfare As usual, the Kosher Press avoids…
Pseudo-Terrorism: Las Vegas Massacre Government Psy-Op
Kymberley Suchomel, who mysteriously died after contradicting mass media coverage of the Las Vegas massacre.…
Mandalay Bay Deep State Operation
The Las Vegas shooting was organized by the globalist cabal staging a blame attack…
The Globalist Strategy to Eliminate the Alt Right
By Karl Radl - In last few days, we have seen right-wing sites that do…
Hitler’s Peace Negotiations with the Poles Continually Rebuffed by the Warmongers
Censored History The Truth about the Danzig Corridor, when the German minority was being ethnically…