Archives for PolyTicks - Page 28
Feinstein Colludes With Communist China
Who is the Chinese spy that worked for Feinstein for over 20 years After two…
Hope and Change in Venezuela
America's educational system has become a cheerleader for socialism. Prepare for the worst. Socialism…
How Socialism (the Welfare State) Destroys Prosperity and Morality
Socialism and communism are nothing more than sophisticated ways by which dictatorial government exploits…
Ugly Truth About the White Helmets: a Hollywood/Zionist Fake News Campaign
Fake News: White Helmets pretending to rescue Syrian children The White Helmets are just…
The Skripal Affair: Zionists Demonizing Russia
Now, Theresa May is war-hawking for the Zionists. THE COLD WAR IS HEATING UP! The…
Parkland Update: Jew, Muslims and Libtards Lying Like a Prostitute
The Left/MSM/ZOG is totally covering up what really happened in Parkland. It was a hybrid…
Parkland and Sandy Hook False Flags
Nikolas Cruz Fake! Fake! Fake! Today's reality is nothing but Jewish theater. The objective…