Archives for LATEST - Page 80
BLACKMAIL is the Jewish Way
Les Wexner: Head of the snake. The Jewish mafia and its control of media,…
Jews Using Nazi Scientists to Control You?
Postwar politics has made strange bedfellows. Amazing Polly explains the connection between Operation Paperclip…
COVID-19: The Weaponization of a Disease and the Subsequent Misdiagnosis
Two reports that you will NOT get from the Kosher press and their lackeys: Independent…
VOCI – Face Mask or Farce Mask?
Pastor Eli discusses the farce that is COVID-19 and the face masks that are symbols…
RH – COVID-19 as an Occult Ritual
Darrell and Eli discuss how elite occultists have taken over world politics and are using…
The Jews And the Enslavement of Blacks
Important video about the Jews and slavery in America. Jewish and Liberal hypocrisy on…
BL Three-Headed Eagle of II Esdras, Final Episode
Mikael and Eli discuss the amazingly accurate prophecy of II Esdras concerning European history in…