Archives for LATEST - Page 54
VOCI – Romans 9:1-10, With Pastor David Martens
Eli and David explaiin how Paul is a Covenant Theologian, utterly opposed to universalism
Scamdemic: What’s in YOUR Injection?
Federal Register permits the gubmint to lie to you about vaccines: HHS Made Vaccine…
SP – John Friend Interview Pastor Eli James about the Scamdemic
The Realist Report – Pastor Eli James – The Realist Report
Virology IS the Disease
Excellent video explaining how virology is SUPPOSED TO BE conducted: The final refutal of…
VOCI – Hosea’s Israelites Versus Paul’s “Gentiles”
The Jared Compton document: A Puzzler: Hosea 1:10 and 2:23 in Romans 9:25–26 -…