Archives for LATEST - Page 52
YCP – Ex-RCMP Officer Disputes Covid Claims
RCMP member sent on unpaid leave writes this powerful letter you must read: | James…
The Transceiver Injected into the Vaxxed (The Monster Inside You)
As we have been reporting, the Gates jab contains biological spyware, to keep…
Controlled Opposition and Rich Men’s Thugs
We in Identity know this, but the rest of the sheeple still don't get it! …
Dr. Robert Malone Exposes the COVID Conspiracy
Joe Rogan Interviews Dr. Robert Malone | Joe Rogan Podcast () The Rockefeller…
EFR Video: The Witch’s Brew Called Covid
Pastor Eli interviews Swedish researcher, Lennart Frodeberg, about plandemic covid fraud. The Witch's Brew…
BL – Abraham, Brahma and the Indo-Aryans, Part 2
Source Text: Abraham and Brahma: Part I by Anonymousfor JoshuaMessiah ()