Archives for LATEST - Page 234
MaidSafe Meet Max Keiser
The MaidSafe crew () talking with Max Keiser. ;v=r9MHr0zkIyk MaidSafe is a game changer. To…
Monkeys Guarding The Bananas
Paul English Comments: The rape of 1400 girls in Rotherham England is not an isolated…
9/11: The Shocking Truth Laid Bare
Paul English Comments: This article sums up the vital clues needed to understand who did…
Frankfurt School : The ‘Kinderladen’ Movement
The following article by Benjamin Garland, recently published on Daily Stormer HERE, provides a detailed…
Political Correctness, A Vile, Perverted Ideology
THE TRAITOR WITHIN: Political correctness is a vile, perverted ideology by Michael Graham On 28…
Typical Example of Leftist Bias on BBC
_Discussion of immigration by V1683 Leftist Bias on BBC - (Bolshevik Brainwashing Comintern) Here is…
Race Mixing Lessons From Babylon
From Daily Stormer: Original article HERE Excellent 15 minute video below that provides a historical…