Archives for LATEST - Page 218
Jim Traficant, RIP!
Jim Traficant tells it like it is about the Israeli lobby. It's the Jews, stupid!!…
It’s the Jews, Stupid !
Telling it like it is about the subversive influence of Judaism. Wake up, White man!…
White Birth Rates Declining…By Design
Never in history has an entire race been targeted for extinction by propaganda. The jooz…
ISIS Is Just Another Zionist-Funded Proxy “Terrorist” Group
FAKE FAKE FAKE. It's all Orwellian, jooish fakery! FUN FUN FUN. Funding the fake opposition.…
Nibiru Update
Marshall Masters does a rational expose' of the evidence for Planet X One…
The Dark Side of CERN
I have been saying for some time that the true purpose of CERN is some…
Communism and Finance Capitalism Are Talmudic Weapons Against White Christendom
You must understand that Judaism and communism are a product of the Jewish mind;…