Archives for LATEST - Page 214
Weird Al Yankovic Parodies Lady Gaga
"Pop music" is media-driven degradation of our culture by subversive Jews. Weird Al does Lady…
Feminism A Jewish War On Women
Click Image For Full Size (WARNING - Strong Stomach Required)
Banksters Cause ALL Wars
You have been told that the primary cause of war is "nationalism." That is just…
Rothschild, King of the Jews: Private Bankers and War-Mongers Since 1815
The Rothschilds control the world through usury. You will not get this information from the…
IsraHELL Discriminates Against Blacks: Riots Ensue
WAKE UP, WHITE MAN! The Israeli State is a racist state. The Jews are supremacists;…
How the Talmudic Banksters Rule by Destruction
Note that the villains pictured in this video, such as House and Warburg, are…
The Caucasian DNA of the Hamito-Semitic Dynasties of Early Egypt
More proof that we Caucasians are the Hamites, Japhethites, Shemites, Hebrews and Israelites of History.…