Archives for LATEST - Page 207
White Women Are Getting Fed Up
Outstanding video. Promote far and wide Euro Folks . . . far and wide. White…
Six Brilliant Men That Believed In Jewish Conspiracies
Only 'stupid' people in tin foil hats believe in anti-Semitic By Mike King SIX OF…
Faurisson’s Exposure Of The Holocaust Hoax
Originally Published At HERE Based on a 4500-word comment by political analyst Luca K This…
Black Rappers Praise Their Jewish Lawyers
Anti-White gansta rap is promoted by Jews. Here is a video compilation of black…
Black Ex-Employee Shoots White Reporter Live on Air
More Evidence that multiculturalism is ANTI-WHITE GENOCIDE. Alison Parker MURDERED on live television…
Illuminati Symbolism in “Back to the Future”
Ramping up the CERN/Jade Helm Entrainment? The staging of the "Back to the Future"…
CERN Time Manipulation, and the Panetary Grid
CERN Time Manipulation, and the Planetary Grid. Mr. Cati connects the dots. Can CERN manipulate…