Archives for LATEST - Page 2
Deceit, Elitism and Ineptitude Are the True Cause of the CA Fires
Double-talk from Dems Fox news report. You may have to cut and paste. Please share.
LA Fires and Globalism
Who do you think owns Elon Musk? George Bush on the Jew World Order, to…
Feminism Reconsidered
Envy leads women to buy into the lies. 70’s Feminists Admit They Lied to Women…
Organized Crime, Warmongers and International Bankers Murdered Kennedy
The Jewish mafia is way bigger than you think. The Kosher press hides the…
Designer Genes at Bargain Prices!
The Covid jab also introduces foreign DNA into your body. Read it…
The Ukranian Pedophilia Mafia Exposed
This is just too sad. Organized religion looks the other way while the…
U-Tube Allowing Posts About Eve Having Sex with a Fallen Angel
People must be listening to Eurofolk Radio!!!!!!!!!!! More: The Times, they are a to…