Archives for LATEST - Page 199
Racist Blood, Part 1
The medical establishment has been lying to you about "we all bleed red blood." Well,…
The Goy Guide To World History
UPDATED NOVEMBER 9TH 2015 : Originally posted Jan 27 2015, this post has now been…
Zeitgeist’s Awful Lack of Scholarship, Regarding Christ, Exposed
Peter Joseph's attempt to argue that Yahshua Messiah was a figment of mythological imagination…
John McCain Caught Again! Senator Photographed With ISIS Chief
Source Sean Adl-Tabatabai John McCain has been caught red handed yet again, this time with…
Bonfire Night: Thousands attend Lewes Bonfire to see torching of David Cameron effigy
An effigy of Prime Minister David Cameron being paraded through the town of Lewes in…
Anti-Terrorist Hacker Group Reveals 40 ISIS Websites Protected by US Tech Firm
ISIS extremists parade down a street in Raqqa, Syria, on Jan 14, 2014. T (AP…
Jew-K Regime Target Nationalist Websites
From ENDZOG The all-party draft Investigatory Powers Bill which is going through parliament and is…